04 Mar

Anyone who happens to live San Juan knows well enough that minutes away on the coastal water lies a tiny village known as Pinones. No matter where your traveling from the name will surely resonate with the vibrant beat of Bomba and plena. The array of food kioskos along the coast all lined up as the scent of smell lingers through the air drawing immediate attention the minute you arrive in town. The surrounded crystal-clear waters of the Atlantic Ocean where the clustering crowds of men and women of all ages having the times of thier lives. The magical paradise we have all come to love has become the embodiment of a culture that has bonded our people for several centuries. As you roam the beaches the soft tender feels of the sand under a hot scorching day, or as you squint to the astounded mountain views while the sound of pondering splashes emanating from children plunging into the calm serene waters. Good reason to want to unwind and relax while having a drink of mojito.

The amazing frituras, known to local islanders as "Kioskos" the popular food stands with the riches variety of delicacies is what truly entices the locals to eat. The Empanadas, Arepas, Shrimp tacos, Alcapurrias from crab meat to seafood. Loiza Town is where the fun begins when locals are spotted dancing through dawn hours of the night. For many it has become a symbol of our culture when we set forth to honor the annual celebration of the Patron Saint Festival.

Bienvenidos a la Cuidad de la Amistad!


For many Loiceno's, the town Loiza Aldea has since been the sacred home of a place they honor. The blend of African and taino culture is manifested through layers that bind our three cultures together.

The music, La Bomba and plena, traditional folk music from Puerto Rico brought by slave Africans in the mid 17th century. The sound of music recounts back to a time when African slaves were subject to harsh labor on the tobacco planation fields. And how no-one would dare to usurp or come to their aid. One could just imagine the enmity felt in a place where a scourge was used repeatedly as a weapon to torture those innocent souls who at no fault and were left hopelessly in a land far away from their native country.

The hardship stories i once heard my grandfather tell me being very young but eagerly prone to his every word and sound as we stood under the watchful eyes of a man of much pride and conviction. We sat attentively listening under the awnings on that mild sunny day. He was just 15-years working in the fields of Bananas, coffee, sugar plantation and the adversity he had dealt with.

His resilience never once faulted as he kept focus and determine to move forward and provide a better life for himself. Never once he shunned away from his responsibilities as young adolescent who never forsook his role.

The end the light of joy suddenly illuminated the entire room as we all witnessed not just a man, but our proud grandfather as the outpour of cry was truly felt among's all present.


The untold daunting history of Loiza aldea, millions of slave Africans who barely made it alive on the shores of Puerto Rio. Those forced in wreckage caravels traveling thousands of miles away to the unknown land of Puerto Rico oblivious if the light of day would ever emerge. Those perished through the outbreak of tropical diseases and starvation, not to mention the physical abuses inflicted by Spanish settlers. Yes, Many African slaves did arrive on the shores Puerto Rico adding 

The uneventful era in history clearly marked the lives of many innocent souls, not to mentioned children who were taken captive, mostly all chained and tied together, the glistering heat pounding against their skin. The out pour of cries could be heard from mothers separated from their children, husbands not knowing what future lied for them. 

The history of the town of Loiza aldea, is a true testament on how people through centuries, kept and embraced the culture with much love and passion. The heirs of our past ancestors who managed to pass along the legacy to our great forefathers, a legacy that marked many the unimaginable struggles and hardships our ancestor had dealt for centuries. The spirit will remain present through the eyes of our future generation to come.

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