Puerto Rico Culture

Once you arrive on the island of Puerto Rico the warmth and friendliness can be felt. The genuine smiles and gestures of pride is so invigorating as you begin to feel the aura of Puerto Rico's rich and mesmerizing culture.

To start off, the rich celebration of Christmas begins on the month of November until January. But what truly unites our people are fanfares of locals singing Christmas carols with electrifying energy and excitement which carries on through dawn hours of the night. The contagious rhythms of tambourines and maracas brings out the true essence of Parrandas we all have come to love.
Other well known traditions of our culture is the St. Patron Festivals celebration, a yearly event held on every town of Puerto Rico.

Brief History

Juan Ponce De Leon becomes the first appointed Governor elected by the Spanish crown to rule the island in 1508.
Once Spain began to colonize the island of Puerto Rico, African-slaves were forcibly introduced to the island. Slave traders began a massive importation throughout the Americas. The Dutch, Britain, French, also began involved in this massive trade market. Ultimately adding multi- layers of cultural influences, from music, religion, food, art to Puerto Rico and the rest of the remaining colonies.

For many years the Tainos fought valiantly against the oppressors of Spain who ruthlessly subjugated the natives in ways unimaginable. The tainos who had called boriken there home ultimately died as millions of lives were shattered unexpectedly through torture and diseases throughout all the islands of the Carribean.

At the end of the 19th century, Spain loses immediate control over it's remaining colonies including Puerto Rico and Cuba. The memories of our fallen heroes stiĺl continue to linger in our taughts for generations to come.