15 Apr

On that early Saturday morning the scorching heat and the sun brighter as its ever been with no sign of rain, the subtle blue skies and the white clouds emerged as we uncovered the perfect day to launch our private escapade. The day so favorable on our side for this anticipated journey was about to become a reality. We all stood sublime as we glazed at each other knowingly the day had finally come.

The drive through the winding narrow roads of Route 149 was quiet a challenge and the feeling of uncertainty became evident wondering if we had followed the correct path. The narrow swirling roads felt uneasy as we kept inseparable and our nerves catching up so rapidly.  Our spirits never once dampened since our boisterous driver kept us well entertained with facts of our island's history and it's culture. The mountain drive began to intensify and for a glimpse moment we peered throught the massive mountains with it's enormous heights. These images i have only seen on fictional movies. The enormous huge canopy trees overlooking the mountains, the tropical trees of mangos, papayas, sour-soup, breadfruit and countless more left us all startled.

We had finally made our stop at Toro Verde State Forest, the 8,000 acre approximately of land was quiet impressive to watch. Finally there we were at the heart of Puerto Rico most beautiful place by far we have ever seen. We muttered words of disbelief, but yet truly elated to finally realize the truth was unfolding just before our eyes.

La Cordillera Central" and it's amazing attractions, never have we seen a place so inviting and riveting. I felt so relieve as we ascended at high altitudes on the center of the mountain.The pounding cool breeze gushing against us as we all inhale the fresh air of the mountains, Our nostrils fully replenish as the feeling of joy and happiness of our Island of Enchantment had lived to it's expectation.

We felt all rejuvenated through the experience. The sound of the three leaves drifting widely with the calmness and tranquil aura. We immersed ourselves in nature with every second of joy enjoying as it all unfolded through our eyes. The echoe sound of the leaves could be heard from far away. The cool refreshing climate so auspicious to our environment as we all hailed each other with excitement and joy. Finally we had arrived to our anticipated destination.

El "Chorro de Dona Juana, the spot we've all been longing to finally see. The 100 feet waterfall drop surrounded by the abundance of flora and fauna along massive canopy trees in the wilderness background. The furious waterfall pounding against the rocks, Not to forget the fanfare of locals preparing the most delicious Yummy "Pinchos"  the aromatic scent of these delicacies had reached us from far way. The fanfare of locals danced their way through the beat of the salsa music. El Choro de Dona Juana three-level waterfalls, became so captivating to watch once we calmly surrounded the falls. The unique layers rising up to the top along the shapely rock formations of texture and color became clearly a view never to be forgotten.

The opportunity had come for us to plunged into the water. Our heart pounded like the sound of drum beats throughtout the day. The best part is how good it truly felt once our sweltering hot bodies began softening as the water drifted through every bone of our bodies. We jumped and laughed on how whimsical we all felt through our experience. The Pinnacle moment of our trip was surely marked as an unforgettable experience never to be forgotten.

Finally, it was time to retreat and move forward to eat authentic local food. The Longaniza for many is a long thin sausage made with pork. Arroz con Longaniza has favored many locals as a preferred choice of food. The popular style of sausage has it's root in Spain and Portugal and once brought to the Americans by the colonizing countries. 

Finally, our time had succumb once our fragile bodies had given us the signal that our time had to come to say adios. A memorable day with plenty of laughter and excitement. The memories of our experiences will remain with with us for ever.

Few Tips:
The waterfall is located along the side road on PR-149. which runs north to south in the center of the island.

Try to arrive early, since no official parking available for upcoming visitors, only if your lucky enough to find a road side space to park your vehicle. 

Remember, no showers or bathrooms are available, so bring your towels and a change of clothes if you decide to swim in the waterfalls."

El Chorro de Dona Juana is located on PR-149 Approximately 1 hours 30 minute drive if your coming from San Juan. With google maps you should not have any problem finding it.

Plenty of (roadside Kiosks) and restaurants to choose from.Things to do in Orocovix, Toro Verde Adventure Park,  where is Zip lining is popular, one of the longest zipling in the world.

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